Friday, 27 December 2013

Your atention my dear students

 I don´t have enough words for saying  how much I love all your posts. Thank you my dear students.

Have you already watched the Blue Clouds?
Christmas always has been the season of the lights
Do you know more about  stories of light at Winter time?
Please, Samuel, tell us all the stories you find  in New York each day

ScienceCasts: Electric-Blue Clouds Appear Over Antarctica

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Building the Prophets Mosque in Medina

Vídeo de Granada antigua con música...

Visita guiada "Granada Mil años de Historia"

El Alma deSgranada (+playlist)

El Alma deSgranada (+playlist)

Outstanding 16th century mansion in Albaicin, Granada, Spain.



Sara Baras - El Albaicín

Albeniz El Albaicin (from Iberia) - Angelo Arciglione

Albaicin tour | Neighbourhoods of Granada

The BRICS Summit

Friday, 22 November 2013

Videographic: Migration

Demographic Transition Model Song

Demographic Transition Model Song

Geography : Why and how population changes

Population pyramids

Microsoft Word Tutorial: How to create a SmartArt Pyramid!

Lesson 8 - Population Pyramids

Sesame Street: Song of the Count

Sesame Street - Breakfast Time

Goldilocks and The Three Bears | Cullen's Abc's

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Debbie and Friends

Breakfast Song

Alligator greater than by Peter Weatherall (+playlist)

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Rhyme with Lyrics | English Nursery Rhymes |...

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Nursery Rhymes with lyrics HD

Teacups Teach Numbers & Counting for Kids

Count And Move (HD) | Counting Song

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Drawing from letters. A how to draw lesson for kids.

How to Draw a House in 3D for Kids - Easy Things to Draw

Science - Animal Homes - English

Science - Types of houses - English

Types of Houses - Elementary Science for Kids

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Santa Claus is coming tonighttttttttttt

Our students

Esther Rull Perez Foto ganadora del concurso en RULLADA 2013. Escalera a la torre de la iglesia renacentista en Cazorla. Autora: Esther Santafosta Rull.

And her mummy has shared with us this nice link

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Cinta de Moebius (y de Listing)


Jingle Bells from Super Simple Songs

A Brief History of Christmas Traditions from Around the World

Winter Solstice Celebration at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divi...

Winter Solstice Celebration at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divi...

The Big Bus Tour of Philadelphia

Carol of the Bells - Boston Pops Orchestra - Lyrics

Good King Wenceslas - Traditional Choir

Selkie - Christmas in the old man's hat

Saturday, 9 November 2013


Imagen de recurso
El día 21 de noviembre de 2013, tendrá lugar la 2ª Edición Market Place de Talent 22@.
18.00 horas
Barcelona Activa, C. Llacuna 162 - Barcelona
2ª Edición de Market Place de Talent 22@: sectores TIC y Media
El día 21 de noviembre de 2013 a las 18.00h tendrá lugar la 2ª Edición Market Place de Talent 22@ , el espacio de encuentro del talento en el 22@, impulsado por la Comisión de Talento RH de la Asociación, para poner en contacto oferta y demanda de ocupación en el distrito.
Se trata de una actividad dirigida a graduados y graduadas de la UOC en formación TIC y Media. Inscríbete y tendrás la posibilidad de acceder a reuniones en grupo con las principales empresas de estos sectores en el 22@.
El acto se completará además con stands, talleres y dinámicas de networking para ayudarte en tu búsqueda de trabajo.
18.00 - 18.30h  Llegada de asistentes y recepción.
18.30 - 19.30h  Encuentros en grupos reducidos con las empresas participantes(selección por parte de las empresas).
Talleres y activiades de soporte.
19.30 - 20.30h  Networking final
Más información e inscripciones:

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Thank you Isabel

Algunos de los principios básicos de la práctica del AICLE / CLIL en el aula:

 La lengua se usa para aprender a la vez que para comunicarse
 La materia que se estudia es la que determina el tipo de lenguaje que se necesita aprender
 La fluidez es más importante que la exactitud en el uso de la lengua

De acuerdo con las denominadas 4Cs del currículo (Coyle 1999), una lección de CLIL bien planteada debería combinar los siguientes elementos:

 Contenido - Permitiendo progresar en el conocimiento, las destrezas y la comprensión de los temas específicos de un currículo determinado
 Comunicación - Usando la lengua para aprender mientras se aprende a usar la lengua misma
 Cognición - Desarrollando las destrezas cognitivas que enlazan la formación de conceptos (abstractos y concretos), los conocimientos y la lengua
 Cultura - Permitiendo la exposición a perspectivas variadas y a conocimientos compartidos que nos hagan más conscientes de el otro y de uno mismo.

Developing Tasks

The Ten Visualization Skills Needed to Improve Reading, Writing and Learning

Please answer the following questions by circling the response that best describes
your study habits.

1. Do you study in a location where you can
Yes Sometimes No
2. Do you have everything you need when you study
(pens, notebooks, computer…)?
Yes Sometimes No
3. Do you study in an environment with adequate
Yes Sometimes No
4. Do you use a date book to record assignments? Yes Sometimes No
5. When you study, do you give the material your full
Yes Sometimes No
6. Do you sit at a table or desk when you study? Yes Sometimes No
7. Do you feel prepared for tests or exams? Yes Sometimes No
8. Are class materials and notebooks well organized? Yes Sometimes No
9. Do you take classes because you are interested in
the topic and want to learn the material?
Yes Sometimes No
10. Do you do all your homework? Yes Sometimes No

Scoring: Give yourself 2 points for every “yes” and 1 point for every “sometimes.”

Plot the total score below:

 Passive Learner Active Learner

Monday, 14 October 2013

Lengua is here

Como indica su nombre, estos pronombres demuestran.  Indican la distancia relativa entre dos objetos, entre una persona y una cosa o entre dos personas. Los pronombres demostrativos son:

adverbio masc. sing. masc. pl. fem. sing. fem. pl. neutro
aquí, acá éste éstos ésta éstas esto
ahí, allí ése ésos ésa ésas eso
allá aquél aquéllos aquélla aquéllas aquello

Ejemplos: Ese árbol es un pino y éste es un abeto.
Esos árboles son pinos y éstos son abetos.
Esa flor es una rosa y ésta es una margarita.
Esas flores son rosas y éstas son margaritas.
¿Qué es esto?

Este libro es de Juan y ése es mío.
Estos libros son de Juan ésos son míos.
Esta casa allí es vieja y ésa es nueva.
Esas casas son viejas y ésas son nuevas.
¿Qué es eso?

Este parque no tiene piscina, pero aquél, sí.
Estos parques no tienen piscina, pero aquéllos, sí.
Esta vista no es tan buena como aquélla desde la montaña.
Estas vistas no son tan buenas como aquéllas desde la montaña.
¿Qué es aquello?

Friday, 4 October 2013

Baby Sign Language: More Milk Please

Phonics Alphabet ABC Song

Halloween Apple Bobbing Song

Trick or Treat Monster Halloween Song -

Spooky Spooky - Halloween Song

Adivinanzas de Halloween con siluetas

Terminamos la semana lectiva calentado motores para halloween con este video de adivinanzas con siluetas para trabajar la atención y la percepción visual.

video final hoja flor fruto y semilla 2


Kids Science - Types of Plants

Learn About Plants - Different Parts

Saturday, 14 September 2013





Goldilocks and the Three Bears.mp4



now i know my abc's

Know Learn how to read ABC Alphabet - Nice Video song

Learn the Alphabet with Peppa Pig!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Jefe de estacion Linares-Baeza dando salida al Arco Garcia Lorca

British Railways in the 1950's - "Portrait of an Engineer"

Batalla de Waterloo


To the wonderful staff and children of Abencerrajes Infant and Primary School,
It has been my pleasure to work and learn alongside each and every one of you this year. Goodbye for now and I promise to come back and visit next year. Keep on Highland flinging!
Lots of love, Ellie  xox

Oh, and PS. Thanks very much for the T-shirt! It's fabulous!
(I just thought it might be nice to thank everyone again!)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Hemos jugado al ajedrez, y nos lo hemos pasado genial.

1º Repartimos un plan de trabajo:(Lo hicieron nuestros profes)

2º Aprendimos la puntuación de todas las fichas.

3º Algunas personas que no sabían jugar a la ajedrez, le enseñamos y ya han

aprendido un poco.

4º Luego entre todos echamos unas partiditas.

5º Luis nos enseñó algunos trucos que le enseño su profesor.

6º Mateo, Gema, Yurema, Álvaro y más  personas hicimos un tablero de ajedrez

para los niños de 3, 4 y 5 años.

7º                                             To be continue......................

Thursday, 2 May 2013

The Great Mosque of Cordoba

Hello guys! I found this really interesting video about the Great Mosque of Cordoba. I wish I could have gone with you because it looks incredible! Enjoy!

More presentations!

As you already know, the 5th and 6th Grade have been working very hard on their presentations. Watch these fantastic videos about Aydin!

Friday, 19 April 2013



Welcome to the ancient world!
Discover Turkey with Can & Canan and find out lots of information. The two friends know everything about Turkish food and the Turkish language as well as about sports and cultural and school life in Turkey. Are there special plants and animals? How important isreligion? Which are the silliest prejudices about Turkish people? Find out! And by the time you get to the chapter about the sea, you'll want to go on holiday to visit the beautiful cities! Have fun!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Second Part to Julio´s Mum´s letter

As we got to know the Turks I struck up a conversation with Eliv and the Turkish English teacher who were going to be our housemates for the week and we made plans together. This was of course all in my atrocious English-cum-sign language. We bid farewell to each other as we headed off towards our different houses led to an odd feeling which I don’t know how to describe, maybe it was anguish or worry... if it were a taste, it would be a mixture of garlic and black pepper. If I were to describe it as a colour, it would be grey. The idea of us going to stay in a family home filled me with admiration, maybe I feared the unknown too. We were invading our hosts privacy and my head was overwhelmed with odd situations involving surly and sullen people... we felt like we might be a bit unwelcome. On top of all that, my English was literally the equivalent of ‘Me Tarzan. You Jane.’ Our house would be home to the three of us plus another Turkish woman and a Polish woman. We didn’t say anything to each other but our respect for each other was palpable. Everything changed upon arriving at the house: a boy ran and hid from us and Julio smiled upon realising that there were other children there too. The family introduced themselves and gave us the children’s bedroom which was presided over by Messi and some other player from the Spanish national side (I am sure Julio would remember his name). They had just won us over!
While there are so many memories from this trip, I will never be able to forget our host family. They were so lovely and so sweet; the parents and four blond and blue-eyed little cherubs! The eldest was fifteen, the middle ones were eleven and seven and the baby of the bunch was just five. They wanted to learn everything about our lives and customs! The eldest daughter knew English but with her parents and siblings were had to resort to mime and we managed between my Hungarian dictionary and their English one.
I can’t put my finger on the names of the cities that we visited, nor the brick-built churches that were less than two hundred years old nor their stained glass windows to which I paid no mind. However, I will never be able to forget the curiosity in the eyes of our host family, or Julio’s joy in playing with their children and how they communicated with just a ball and gestures or sometimes with Google translate. Oh and breakfast! Sharing wry smiles over Nutella and the ever-present rose-hip tea, yellow peppers without even a drop of olive oil or a pinch of salt, apples that they had given us for our mid-morning snack that came from their apple tree. How could I ever forget the cold while walking towards the school where we were meeting everyone else! Or the people on bikes. Or the married couple making dough together. Or the eggs from the kokorokos (chickens). They kept the chickens in the run, which were of course very different from our own because they were tiny and had dark feathers, which they later made into stew. I also had a lot of respect for the grandpa because he was such an entertaining and funny character. There was a mutual love for each other in a sense because nobody tried to talk above anyone else; the smell of the house still lingers on in my mind. It was heaven.
It took a lot to get used to their household’s schedule - we would get up at 6am! They took breakfast together as a family and they were also very punctual. We were up first and would wait for the others. We never have time to sit down and eat breakfast together at home in Spain as we struggle to get a move on and get out of bed. As such, we always end up in a rush and the kids eat on one side and we eat on the other side. In Hungary we would eat lunch at 12 o’ clock and have dinner at 6 on the dot. After dinner was the best bit though because we’d continue to get to know each other and understand each other’s lifestyles.
I didn’t form incredibly intense relationships with the Turks and the Polish. I became good friends with Eliv and the Turkish English teacher but the Polish woman staying with us kept herself to herself but I did bond with the Julia from Poland over music.
I reminisce a lot about the boat trip we took on the river Danube, the long chats we had in the military museum or in Kecskemèt, the climb up to the top of the bell tower and the toy museum... but I am left with certain tastes and, above all, I established close bonds with other people. The teachers were wonderfully kind. I had a splendid time with the other mums - there were so many smiles and we had a mutual understanding. It was so much fun getting to know them better: Nati has loads of anecdotes; Ana Hai’s mother was like Mary Poppins (her rucksack was full of useful things to get us through the day - biscuits, sweeties and clothes); David’s mother was my official Spanish to English interpreter and I discovered a lot about my mother that I didn’t know before.
I believe that we all learnt a lot about ourselves that we didn’t know before. I didn’t know how good I was at improvising on the spot, nor was I aware of my ability to mime so well, nor how my lack shyness would help me to understand the great gaps I would have in English. Julio for the first time understood the importance of travelling and he could appreciate the need to learn English - he really wanted to be able to understand and make himself understood. He will certainly miss the hallway ball games that they played that of course I would never allow. I was ‘Mum’ to two girls on the trip, Julieta and Ana Cea, but we were adopted parents to all the kids on the school trip. We were one big, happy family.
Although we were only there a few days, there was such a good feeling amongst everyone and I miss it. I am kind of sad that life has to go on and our Comenius journey seems further and further away. It would be great if, after a while, Comenius reunites us all and takes us back to where we went in Hungary and we could relive certain moments from the heady pace of that week.
My advice to you all: travel because if you don’t you’ll just die en route! Think of the sounds and smells, the fatigue, the faces and feelings, the laughter and the sobbing when you have to say goodbye...